2017 has been a year of growth and renewal for Mia Lehrer + Associates (MLA). We moved our studio to the East Bank of the LA River ... we brought nine new people to the MLA team ... and we launched exciting transformative work. We look forward to continuing this momentum into 2017! Happy New Year from all of us at MLA!
L.A. Stadium & Entertainment District at Hollywood Park
L.A. Stadium & Entertainment District at Hollywood Park
Excavation began in November for the redevelopment of Hollywood Park Racetrack, home to the new NFL stadium designed by HKS. For over a decade, MLA has collaborated on the master planning and landscape architecture for the site. The 3.1 million square-foot redevelopment will include housing, retail, entertainment and over 25 acres of open space and green infrastructure. MLA is designing the parks, streetscapes, and a series of pedestrian trails and bike paths that reach out to the surrounding neighborhood. Adjacent to the stadium, a series of plazas and promenades will allow year-round community events and programs. Completion is expected by 2019.
More info →
FAB Park
Team: Ben Feldmann, Anne Guillebeaux, Dawn Dyer, Jeremy Jarin
In June, the MLA-led team was selected to design Los Angeles’ First & Broadway (FAB) Park. MLA is collaborating with OMA and IDEO to transform a two-acre vacant lot into a public park where art, food and nature bring people together. The design includes an event plaza, a restaurant pavilion, intimate seating areas, and a grove of native trees.
More info: LA Times →
The Los Angeles River Valley Bikeway and Greenway
Team: Jan Dyer, Ben Feldmann, Jeff Hutchins, Aaron Dang, Margot Jacobs
With Gruen Associates, MLA is working to close 12 miles of gaps along the LA River in the San Fernando Valley creating a continuous trail from Canoga Park to Griffith Park.
More info: LA Times →
More Launches
Broadway at Fourth
A new high-rise tower on Historic Broadway for SCG Group with CallisonRTKL.
College Station
A 5.7-acre mixed use development project with Johnson Fain in downtown Los Angeles’ Chinatown neighborhood will include over 700 residences, ground level retail and a market.
Crenshaw Linear Museum
A community-based pedestrian art installation along Crenshaw Boulevard with RAW International for Marqueese Harris-Dawson’s CD 8 Office. #destinationcrenshaw
Los Angeles Federal Courthouse
Team: Michelle Sullivan, Eric Marecki
For the new Downtown LA Federal Courthouse designed by SOM, MLA designed a series of gardens that celebrate Southern California biomes and promote wildlife habitat. Garden areas include the tilted planes, an interior dining courtyard, roof gardens, and streetscape.
More info: Curbed LA →
John Anson Ford Theatres
Team: Ben Feldmann, Dawn Dyer
MLA worked with Levin and Associates on the historic renovation of the John Anson Ford Theater complex. Our work included redesigning the historic stone stage wall backdrop and a terraced picnic area with integrated seating.
More info: Curbed LA →
More info: LA Times →
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Television Academy
Team: Jan Dyer, Astrid Sykes, Anton Smith
MLA designed the plaza, drop-off area and landscape areas for the Academy of Televsion Arts & Sciences new 600-seat Saban Media Center Complex in North Hollywood. Check out this fun time lapse video of the construction.
More info: Curbed LA →
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Hauser Wirth & Schimmel Gallery
Team: Astrid Sykes, Dawn Dyer, Kaleen Juarez
The MLA team designed a series of gardens for the Hauser Wirth & Schimmel Gallery in the Arts District. A sculptural garden welcomes visitors at the 3rd Street Entrance (above left). A kitchen garden in the south courtyard supports the chef’s menu at Manuela Restaurant (aboveright).
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MLA welcomed Patricia Akinaga as Principal in February (above left).
MLA congratulates Dawn Dyer, Eric Marecki, Kush Parekh, and Anton Smith on their promotions to Senior Associate (above center).
MLA also welcomed nine new team members this year. Associates Yong Kim, Matilde Reyes and Alex San Diego. Project Designers Jae Ahn, Molly Fancler, Kaleen Juarez, Min Kim, Hao Liang and Matt Romero (above right).
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The American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) honored Mia with the LaGasse Medal for her service to public spaces. Alfred LaGasse spent his career advocating for the careful management of the country’s natural resources and public lands. Mia shares the medal with landscape architect luminaries such as Elizabeth Barlow Rogers and Jack Dangermond.
In support of Mia’s nomination, architect Michael Maltzan wrote, “She consistently demonstrated a deep and unwavering passion toward the creation of progressive public landscapes.” Lewis MacAdams, founder of the Friends of the Los Angeles River, wrote, “She is not only a social pioneer, but a star in her field. If it were not for her, our river vision would not be where it is today.”
The Los Angeles Riverfront Park, Phase II, Segment 1 (above left) won three awards: California Trails & Greenways Merit Award; Los Angeles Business Council Architectural Award; Southern California Chapter (SCC) of ASLA Honor Award.
The Union Station Master Plan won a Merit Award from SCC ASLA.
The Natural History Museum’s Nature Gardens (above right) were named one of the 5 “Coolest in L.A.” projects by Climate Resolve.
MLAThe The Los Angeles NFL Stadium & Entertainment District was named the Westside Prize Winner by the Westside Urban Forum.
The Blackbirds multi-unit housing project was given Merit Awards by the Westside Urban Forum.
2016 was a busy year full of lectures, gathering and informational exchange! Some highlights:
Mia spoke at the UCLA conference, Imagining BioCity LA and Biospaces.
Mia presented to the Architecture League of New York on “Recalibrating the City: Advocacy by Design.”
MLA hosted over 200 people for the Landscape As Necessity Debate Series by USC, Cal Poly Pomona and UCLA Extension landscape architecture departments. Senior Associate Claire Latané moderated a panel discussion and presented on the topic of “Drought and Beauty.”
Principal Jeff Hutchins, Claire Latané & Margot Jacobs spoke at the California Trails & Greenways Conference. Mia presented a lecture on “Advocacy by Design” at the DDC Talks Series, hosted by the NYC Department of Design and Construction. Mia also participated in Inglewood’s State of the City Address alongside Inglewood Mayor James Butts, LA Rams owner Stan Kroenke, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, and Mark Williams of HKS.
MLA hosted the Association for Women in Architecture + Design Annual Awards, with speakers Deborah Weintraub of DWP, Principal Michelle Sullivan, and Elizabeth Timme, Executive Director of LA Más.
Seven members of the MLA team attended the 2016 Landscape Architecture Foundation Summit which was focused on writing a new Declaration for landscape architecture. Mia moderated a panel on public practice. At the Dwell on Design Conference in LA, Principal Ben Feldmann presented “Urban Renewal’s Big Ambitions”
Mia presented on the LA River at World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweeden.
Senior Associate Astrid Sykes gave the keynote address “Adapting by Design” for the International Federation of Landscape Architects in Johannesburg, South Africa. Mia was a keynote speaker at the Landscape As Necessity Conference hosted by USC’s Landscape Architecture Department.
Principal Michelle Sullivan presented “Transforming Los Angeles: Integrating Natural Systems into the City” at the Pacific Horticulture Conference. Principal Ben Feldmann presented the Northeast Los Angeles Placemaking Plan at the California American Planning Association Conference and “The Role of Design in Urban River Revitalization” at the LA-Pasig Sister River Agreement Signing for the Office of Mayor Eric Garcetti. Senior Associate Dawn Dyer participated on the St. James Park competition jury for the City of San Jose. Mia moderated the “Evolution of Urban Rivers” panel at the ASLA Annual Conference.
MLA hosted an election night party for the #YesOnMeasureA team. We celebrated the passing of Measure A which will support new parks and green infrastructure for Los Angeles, as well as Measure M and Measure HHH.